Our phone number has changed! We can now be reached at 863-531-0402

Child Screening

2024-2025 Dates

Learning Events

Scheduled Dates

Family Events

Upcoming Dates

Weekly Webinars

FDLRS Heartland is offering five webinars in the third quarter of the 2024-2025 school year on a variety of critical topics for educators and support staff. Please see our Weekly Webinar Quarter 3 Flyer for course information and registration links and deadlines.

You can also register through our Learning Events page for each webinar.

Heartland ESE Academy

FDLRS Heartland is offering an ESE Academy for ESE Teachers and Support Facilitators. This is a quarterly event that provides relevant topics, professional learning, and collaborative opportunities with fellow educators across our four districts.

View our Professional Learning page under the Additional PL tab for more information on the ESE Academy and registration information/links.

FDLRS Heartland PLA Courses

FDLRS Heartland offers multiple facilitated PLA courses throughout the 2024-2025 School Year. Facilitated PLA courses are free courses offered to Florida educators; courses are composed of virtual meetings combined with online assignments.

View our Professional Learning page for more information on PLA courses that we teach locally through our center, and registration information/links.

New for this coming school year: teachers may sign up for any PLA course offered regardless of which center is facilitating it, all registrations will be done centrally on the FDLRS Upcoming Courses site.


The Vision of the Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System (FDLRS) is that every child receiving exceptional student education services will be able to achieve their fullest potential from prekindergarten through postsecondary opportunities, resulting in college, career, and life readiness.

The Mission of the Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System (FDLRS) is to support and enhance exceptional student education programs by providing evidence-based, high-quality professional learning opportunities; integrating assistive and instructional technology; promoting family engagement; and ensuring access to early intervention services.


BEESS Facilitated
BEESS Independent